Tuesday 17 November 2009

Wine label

The following images show parts of a 52-step design process that I went through to come up with a wine label using ONLY type and as few different typefaces/sizes/weights/colours as possible. I learned that only one form of typographic change can be enough — be it size, weight, colour etc to make a label’s information clear. At certain stages I drew new guides for text layouts which explains the empty-looking boxes. Towards the end I got attached to Univers as a typeface because it makes a big contrast with the usual typefaces found on labels — classical/decorative script faces.

This work is my own and is not designed by/for Casillero del Diablo. I have permission for their label information to be reproduced in my work here.


  1. I like this work. And 1st and 3d version really very great (both is with white back).

  2. Thanks Anna. The third one is a less traditional version — it isn’t all centred so if you can imagine it on the wine bottle…it might not work well enough. I wanted to try a Jan Tschichold approach for the third and I like that one most too. It’s a nice little exercise to try anyway.


➔ Please do not copy any image from this blog without permission; I keep proof of ownership on all of my work ☺